A Quart Low
Joey was a little anemic yesterday, so they gave him some blood. We were told that this would probably happen before I even left the hospital because he's not making red blood cells on his own yet (he's still two weeks early remember) and the doctors keep taking blood out of him for tests, so Joey's needing some blood was expected. Most of the blood tests are normal including the one for hemaphelia (uncontrolled bleeding) which is a problem with boys sometimes, but there are a few of the less common ones not back yet, so the docs want to wait on the muscle biopsy until those last few tests are back. They don't anticipate there being anything wrong with the tests, but if Joey would have a clotting problem and have trouble with the biopsy, the docs would be kicking themselves for not waiting, so better safe than sorry at this point. They're thinking the muscle biopsy will be either Tuesday or Wednesday now. I'm still praying for God's miracle of healing, so I want the muscle biopsy tests to come back fine and I'm praying that Joey will start moving again on his own and get off the vent by himself. He's on "full" feeding now of 23mL/hour which is more than what we thought full feeding would be for him because he's such a chunker now, so that's why the posts have said "full" feeding a couple of times because Joey keeps changing it. Also, he's lost a little weight the last few days which the doctor believes is due to him losing some of that fluid in his abdomen rather than decreased nutrition, so that's good news. Thanks again for all the prayers and please keep praying especially for the movement thing.
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