3 weeks old
Joey is 3 weeks old today. He has his feedings up to 13mL per hour and if he continues to progress the way he's been, he'll be up to full feedings on Wednesday. The lipids that he's been getting were turned off today and the TPN (nutrition thru IV) will be off by Wednesday as well. Then Joey will be getting all his food though the tube in his nose going to his belly. No more artificial food for Joey. :) He will only have the lasix going through his central line by Wednesday as well, so there will be nothing continuously hooked up to his central line anymore. He is still on very low vent settings and seems to be resting comfortably most of the time. We're still praying that he continues to improve, that he starts moving his arms and legs more, that the fluid in his abdomen goes down, and that he breathes on his own without the vent. Thanks so much for continuing to keep Joey in your thoughts and prayers.
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