Big boy crib
Joey was moved out of the warmer into a big boy crib yesterday. He has on clothes now, they have to be snap front because he can't pull anything over his head yet due to the vent. I have a picture that Mike will get on the blog tomorrow of Joey with clothes on in his big boy crib. Joey's feedings have gone up to 7mL per hour up from 3mL where he started and the plan is to get him up to 9mL an hour today. He needs to get up to 20-25mL/hour to be on full feeds, then he needs to get from continuous back to bolus feeds. (he needs to take ~3hours worth of food at once and then have nothing for 3hours instead of the continuous drip he's been getting through the tube) The sedative came off completely yesterday (the drip anyway, he still gets break through doses when he gets really upset), and the nurses are watching for him to go through withdraw from the drug. The only thing he gets through his new line now are supplemental feedings, lasix, and the occasional sedative. Also, he moved his feet yesterday. I thought I saw him move his left leg on Monday, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't say anything, then I thought I saw him move the same leg again on Tuesday, so I mentioned it to the nurse. Then the night nurse saw him pick up his left leg and move it twice and the day nurse saw it again, then when I got there, the nurse and I saw him move (dorsiflex) both ankles. This is a good thing since the doctor has been concerned about Joey's lack of movement. Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers and keep praying everyone, because it's working.
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