Joey is 20 days old today (3 weeks tomorrow) and he really is doing well. I see him everyday, so it's nice to hear the nurses and family tell me that he's doing better, it seems so slow to me. Mom was in yesterday for the first time in a couple of days and she said that he really looked like he was sleeping rather than being drugged. He is completely off his sedative (no extra doses) since 4:00 yesterday morning. He hasn't needed that many break through doses thus far, he's just been sleeping it off. He's got one of his Precious Moments outfits on today and he has a snowy bear/penguin outfit for tomorrow. He's just too adorable in his little sleeper outfits. His feedings went up to 9mL/hour yesterday and he is eliminating the feeding the way he should, so the plan is to go up to 11mL/hour today. If he goes up by 2mL every day, he should be up to full feedings by the middle of next week. (Woo-Hoo!). Again, Joey is doing well, but PLEASE keep praying. Thanks.
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