Mike and Jessica's Place

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Just hangin' out

Joey is 23 days old today and is pretty much just hanging out right now. His feedings are up to 15mL/hour and will likely go up to 17mL/hour today. He's off the lipids (supplemental feeding) and will likely come of the TPN (other supplemental feeding) in the next couple of days. He's doing well with his breathing treatments and he's not needing suctioned as often. The nurse told me last night that the respiratory therapist finished his breathing treatment and Joey was sucking on his vent tube, so she put his fingers in his mouth and he was going to town on them. She said it was really cute and wanted us to know. Joey is just so stinkin' adorable and I want to bring him home so badly, but I want him healthy and safe to be brought home. He just needs to speed it up some for me. :) Please continue to pray for Joey to continue doing well with his feeding, to get the fluid off his abdomen, to breathe on his own, and to get his arms and legs moving more. Thanks so much for the prayers.


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