Bigger tube
Joey is growing and the tube he had down his throat for the vent was getting loose. He had a leak around it at was making wheezing sounds. The doctor decided to put a 1/2 size bigger tube in yesterday morning, so now the leak is gone and the tubing kinks less, so that's a good thing. Joey is eating a ton and his sleep/wake cycles are getting a little more regular. The nurse calls his patterns "appropriate". Basically means that he's either more asleep or more awake when we're there, so it's fun when he's awake. We can see more of his eyes and he looks around and will look at you when you're talking to him. He's just so precious. Thanks so much for all your prayers and please, please continue to pray for Joey's arms and legs to move more and for him to breathe on his own. We need our miracle baby home.
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