Mike and Jessica's Place

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Friday, December 01, 2006

Better on the vent

Joey has improved on his vent settings again. He had required more help from the vent the last four days or day since he was coming down with this lung infection, but he seems to be getting better now. He's back down to room air and his rate is getting back down closer to where it was. He's a pretty tired boy since he had to work so hard to breathe over the last few days, so he's resting, but he looks so much more comfortable than he did. Thanks again for all the prayers and support. We're still trying to confirm it, but his nurse told us yesterday that the blood test we're waiting on is only set up on Tuesday and then takes two weeks to run, so we're looking at approx. three weeks before we get any results, so that's a pretty long time for our prayers to work, so please keep praying. Joey needs to move and breathe on his own, so he can come home and be our little miracle baby. Thanks again for praying for Joey and please, please, please continue.


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