Mike and Jessica's Place

Web mtharp.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Difficult News

We found out yesterday that Joey has a staph infection in his lungs which is giving him trouble with a ton of mucous clogging up his endotrachial tube making it tough from him to breathe. Also, we don't have a concrete diagnosis back from the muscle biopsy yet, but the neurologist gave us a preliminary report that Joey may have spinal muscle atrophy. This genetic disorder causes programed cell death of the spinal motor neurons meaning Joey won't ever be able to move his arms and legs and he'll never be able to breathe without the vent. These kids usually die within the first two years of life and sooner if the case is more severe, which Joey's is since he's already on the vent. Again, we're waiting on a blood test to confirm the diagnosis with 99% accuracy, but we need a miracle now more than ever, so everyone PLEASE, PLEASE pray hard. Thank-you.


  • Mike and Jessica

    My mom and I had a big cry today when I got the latest news...there are so many people here in Virginia and at Old Dominion University praying for Joey! My mother made an anouncement at church a couple weeks ago too. Try to keep your spirits up and I hope that knowing how many of use love and care about you guys (especially Joey) will help get you through it!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:08 PM  

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