Mike and Jessica's Place

Web mtharp.blogspot.com

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Heavy Boy

I got to hold Joey again yesterday for about an hour and a half. It's great when I get to hold him, but because of the vent tubing, I can't shift him around at all so he gets pretty heavy. Joey is up to 11 pounds 14 ounces now, so holding that amount of weight in one position gets kind of rough. He started out awake and looking around, but he ended up falling asleep on my lap...he went through the heavy eyelids and everything. Also, Joey loves his mobile so much that he's run the batteries down in a week and a half, so we'll have to get those replaced. The night nurse just told me that Joey slept soundly throughout the night, so I don't feel to bad sleeping through the night now. Not much else to report. Thanks for the prayers and please keep them coming.


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