Mike and Jessica's Place

Web mtharp.blogspot.com

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year's Eve

Joey's first new year's eve...hurray! Not much new to report after the last few super long postings. Joey had a pretty good day yesterday and has had a quiet night according to his night nurse. I got to hold him again yesterday and it went well which is good since the last few times I've attempted to hold him, he had episodes or attempted to have them. He still likes his mobiles and his reindeer/moose buddy (there is some debate as to what this stuffed creature actually is). Joey's feedings have been bumped up to 32mL/hour (30mL is one ounce, if that helps anyone with their visualization of how much of a chunker Joey is becoming). Actually, the doctors are very pleased with his growth. Thanks again for all the prayers and support and please keep praying. Mike goes back to work Tuesday after having a week off and I'm going to be going back to work on Wednesday, unless something drastic happens between now and then, so please pray for Mike and I as well as for Joey this week. Thanks so much...we couldn't get through this without all our family and friends.


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