Mike and Jessica's Place

Web mtharp.blogspot.com

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Seeing Joey

Mike and I were there yesterday when Joey's tubes got re-taped. I know it's the first time I've seen Joey's little face without the tape. I think it's only the second time for Mike, the first being the day he was born. We got a bunch of pictures that Mike will get on the blog hopefully this evening. He's still recovering from lack of sleep during Christmas, so I've not been pushing him too hard for the pictures, but I'll start asking today. Joey's tubes get re-taped approximately every 4 days or so because saliva makes the tape loose and Joey moves his head a bunch which pulls on the tubes. He's getting more alert now when he's awake and he digs his mobile so much that there is a danger that he'll pull his own tube out by mistake with his looking around if they don't keep the tape in good condition. Joey is going for a central line placement today early afternoon, so if you can, say a prayer for him since he'll be transported downstairs to surgery and have anesthesia for the line placement. It's a fairly basic procedure, but it's still surgery. Thanks again for all the prayers and please keep them coming.


  • Please explain central line placement. Karen

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:46 PM  

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