Mike and Jessica's Place

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tons of Loot

Joey made out like a bandit for his first Christmas. He got tons of loot, from outfits, to books, to toys, etc. I have a bunch of laundry I'm going to be doing today so he can start wearing some of his new outfits and using his new blankets. A few of the nurses even got him things because he's such a stud. :) Really though, everyone who takes care of him, just falls in love with him. Joey is such a sweet baby and he's just so darn cute. Mike will get some good pictures up in the next few days and I think you'll all agree on his cuteness. The night nurse just drew some blood for Joey's clotting factor tests and she says he's worn out. She's of the opinion that Joey will likely get some blood today. His body is starting to make his own blood, so they don't want to give him too much blood too soon, or his body will quit making his own, but he just can keep up with the amount they've been taking out for these tests. If he gets some blood, it may help with how lethargic he's been the last few days. That's really all the news I've got for now. Please continue to pray for healing for little Joey. Thanks.


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