Mike and Jessica's Place

Web mtharp.blogspot.com

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Joey is having his second MRI this morning at the main campus and then will be having his feeding tube replaced and an EEG (brain wave study to rule out seizures) later this morning when he gets back to his room. The feeding tube has to come out of his nose for the MRI since there is a metal tip on the feeding tube and that would not be a good thing in a giant magnetic machine. The EEG is checking to be sure Joey isn't have a seizure every time his heart rate drops. My gut instinct is he's not because he always gets better with suctioning. I think this is his way of getting the nurses attention faster when he wants the snot sucked out of him. He's demanding about the snot thing. Everyone that is caring for Joey this morning is very aware that he got really cold last time he left his room, so they are being super careful not to let that happen again. Murphy's Law would say that he'll probably cook this time since everyone is so concerned about him freezing, but we're hoping for good steady temps and a good report from the MRI and the EEG. (not that we'll know anything today) Thanks again for all the prayers for us and especially for Joey. Please keep them coming so we can all have our miracle baby.


  • I'm prayin' Jes! Is there a good time to visit you and Joey? Is it possible? Can I bring food?

    By Blogger Dana, at 11:46 AM  

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