Mike and Jessica's Place

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Prayer for healing

Yesterday Joey was anointed by a couple of elders from Mike's dad's church. They read a Psalm and a passage from James about if anyone is sick, the elders of the church should go to them, anoint them with oil, and pray for healing, so they did that. It was pretty cool since I got to hold Joey through the whole thing. He was awake and looking around for most of it too which is always cool. The nurses took some of Joey's blood for another series of tests yesterday as well. This is the blood test portion of looking for something more specific. No word yet on the biopsy tests that were looking for something more specific. At this point, Joey is comfortable as long as the nurses keep him clear of snot (secretions) and his temperature stays where it should. He sleeps or hangs out with his reindeer buddy (rattle that's taped to the side of his crib) and his fishy mobile that our neighbors let him borrow. Other than that, no real news to report on Joey's condition. Please keep up the prayers for healing. Thanks.


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